Every day, millions of users are surfing the net looking for interesting information, sales, books, news and all that jazz. All of these users can be your potential clients or at least your potential subscribers. The point is only in capturing their attention with appropriate items: discounts, exclusive information, etc. So, how to do you make your opt-in form convert like crazy? [LINK=https://sendpulse.com]SendPulse[/LINK] has picked some very useful ways for opt-in form optimization for you.

1. [B]The Opt-in form should be located in the first window[/B] of your site. If a user needs to scroll down to look for the subscription, you can easily lose him. The user should always see what bonuses he will receive if he signs in and where to do this.
2. [B]Let the user decide what to receive and how often.[/B] After the email confirmation, you can provide the user with several options whether it’s what he would like to receive from your site (bonuses, discounts, news, new trends, interesting content, etc.) and how often he would like to receive emails (every day, once a week, on weekends, etc.). This can show your subscriber that you will do everything to please him and not to lose him because of too many troublesome emails in your inbox.

3. Protect yourself from mistakes in mailing lists by asking your subscribers to [B]fill in the email in the opt-in form twice[/B]. This will definitely help you to make the mailing list quality level higher.

4. [B]Use the popover.[/B] But remember, this should appear in the user’s window as soon as possible because its popping can disturb the shopping process (if we are speaking about online shopping clubs or shops in general). Of course, the popover should contain the information about bonuses that a user can receive by giving you his email.
5. Keep in your mind that the [B]popover should not be aggressive[/B]. Let the users close it easily or sign in later.

6.[B] Include other possible channels of communication in your opt-in form[/B]. It can be social media buttons, links to your app, your YouTube channel, etc.
7. [B]Organize different contests on your website[/B] to engage more users. But the contest’s mechanics should be as simple as possible. For example, “Fill in your email and be in with a chance first to win a holiday. A winner is drawn every day.”
8. Engage the users by providing them with[B] some bonuses or gifts from your partners[/B]. All these gifts can also be shown in the opt-in form.

Test different ways of opt-in form optimization or combine the ones you liked the most. The result depends only on you.